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Complaints Policy
Last updated: Aug 16, 2024

This policy forms part of your legal agreement with us. We will handle complaints in accordance with this policy. By making a complaint in accordance with this policy, you state that the information you have provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

1 Contact Information

The website you are accessing this policy from (that website, the "Website") is operated by Neptune Media, LLC, a Florida limited liability company. You can write to us at 111 NE 1st Street, 2nd Floor, Miami, Florida 33132.

2 How to Make a Complaint

(a) If you have a complaint about content appearing on the Website, you can (2) make a content complaint by completing our content removal form located at , (2) email us at [email protected] , or (3) write to us at the address listed in section 1. If you elect to email us or write to us, please include your contact information, a description of your complaint, the URLs of the content you are reporting, and any additional information that might help us resolve your complaint.

(b) If you have any other complaint about our Website, you can (1) submit a support ticket at , (2) email us at [email protected] , or (3) write to us at the address listed in section 1.

3 Complaints of Illegal or Nonconsensual Content

(a) After receiving your complaint of illegal or nonconsensual content under section 2(a):

(1) we will take those steps as we consider to be appropriate to investigate your complaint within a timeframe that is appropriate to the nature of your complaint;

(2) if we require further information or documents from you, we will contact you to let you know;

(3) we will in good faith investigate your complaint within seven business days;

(4) if we are satisfied that the content is unlawful or nonconsensual, we will immediately remove that content, and we will notify you of our decision by email or otherelectronic message; and

(5) if we are satisfied that the content is not unlawful or nonconsensual, we will notify you of our decision by email or other electronic message.

(b) Any dispute regarding our determination that content is nonconsensual will be submitted by us to a neutral arbitration association at our expense.

4 Complaints of Copyright Infringement

Complaints related to copyright infringement must be submitted to our copyright agent in accordance with our DMCA Policy, and we will respond to copyright infringement complaints as set out in that policy.

5 All Other Complaints

(a) After receiving any other complaints under section 2(b):

(1) we will take those steps as we consider to be appropriate to investigate your complaint within a timeframe that is appropriate to the nature of your complaint;

(2) if we require further information or documents from you, we will contact you to let you know; and

(3) we will in good faith take those actions as we consider appropriate to deal with the issue that your complaint has raised.

(b) We are not required to inform you of the outcome of your complaint.

6 Unjustified or Abusive Complaints

You shall not make any complaint under this policy that is wholly unjustified, abusive, or made in bad faith. If you are a user of the Website and make an abusive or unfounded complaint, we may suspend or terminate your account.